Papers are being invited from the Authors/Researchers for IJERED, Impact Factor: 5.246, Vol. 8, Issue 2, March-April, 2020. Many of the manuscripts are under review. Published papers will be indexed in numerous search engines worldwide like Thomson Reuters Researcherid, Orcid, Google, Yahoo, UK Index, Europeana Libraries, Open Research, GetCited Entire Web and many more..
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An Analysis of the Reflective Categories in the Journal Entries of Student Teachers
Dr. Tessy Joseph Kallarakal, Dr. Thomas P. J.
Challenges and Prospects of Higher Education in India: A Review
Anita Jhajhria
Mughal's architecture Vs. Modern Architecture : A Brief Historiography
Joginder Singh, Dr. D. M. Sahu
गांधी के दार्शनिक एवं शिक्षा संबंधी विचारों की वर्तमान परिपेक्ष्य में साथर्कता और उनका तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
बृजेश सिंह यादव
Ambedkar and the Dalit Identity in Indian Polity
Md. Naiyar Equbal