Papers are being invited from the Authors/Researchers for IJERED, Vol. 6, Issue 2, March-April, 2018, Impact Factor: 1.544. The uploading of manuscripts are continued for the current issue. Many of the manuscripts are under review. The Impact Factor of IJERED has been updated to 1.554. Published papers will be indexed in numerous search engines worldwide like Thomson Reuters Researcherid, Orcid, Google, Yahoo, UK Index, Europeana Libraries, Open Research, GetCited Entire Web and many more...
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Postmodern Criticism of Adrienne Rich‟s Dream of a Common Language
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Kaushal
A Probe into the Meta Physical World of Mariam and Laila Depicted by Khaled Hosseini
Ms. Amolak Pargas Kaur
Street Children and Their Concerns: A Sociological Study
Ms. Sarabjeet Kaur
Study on Slavery and Slave Trade – Tamil Nadu
Ms. Harpinder Kaur
Unleashing Prosperity: The Dynamic Duo of Demographic Dividend and Economic Growth in Begusarai, Bihar (India)
Prem Vijoy