Call For Papers, IJERMCA, Vol. 6, Issue 9, September-2017, Impact Factor: 3.578
International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal. Published papers will be indexed in numerous search engines worldwide like Thomson Reuters Researcherid, Orcid, Google, Yahoo, UK Index, Europeana Libraries, Open Research, GetCited Entire Web and many more... IJERMCA Journal is indexed in UGC List of Journals as well as many national and international libraries.
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Comparative Factors for fluctuations in Indian Stock Market
Vijay Deswal,
Administration Marketing in Banking Sector: A Conceptual Framework
Mrs. Mukta Soni,
Introductory Analysis of Molecular Orbital Theory
Naresh Kumar,
Study of computing for global development
Conceptual Analysis of dark matter and dark energy in Physics
Sunita Phogat,
Importance of Geology in Civil Engineering Projects
Neetu Rani,
Human Rights and the LGBT community
Rupali Jain,
Biometric Authentication Systems: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Face Recognition