Papers are being invited from the Authors/Researchers for IJERED, Impact Factor: 7.326, Vol. 11, Issue 5, September-October, 2023. Many of the manuscripts are under review. Published papers will be indexed in numerous search engines worldwide like Thomson Reuters Researcherid, Orcid, Google, Yahoo, UK Index, Europeana Libraries, Open Research, GetCited Entire Web and many more.
Downloads :-
Language Markets and Professional Barriers: Examining the Economics of English in Urban India
Shraddha Gupta
वर्तमान समय में शिक्षण अधिगम प्रक्रिया में नवाचार की भूमिका
मिहिर कुमार पाठक, डॉ0 मो0 एहसानुल हक
शिक्षा एवं जेंडर विभेदीकरण
सुमन कुमार झा, डॉ0 नजमा बेबी
Rights of women under Hindu Laws: An Analysis
Insanity as a Tort Defence
Korada Chandra Harsha, Prof. Siddharam Billur
हरियाणा के इतिहास को पुनर्वलोकन मे संग्रहालयो की भुमिका
Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Higher Education
Rizwan J. Ahmad
వేమన పద్యాలు - సామాజిక చైతన్య గీతాలు : ఒక పరిశీలన
Dr. K. Lakshmi Narayana
Measuring Inequalities among Main and Marginal Workers: An Analysis of Meo Muslims in Nuh District, Haryana
Pardeep Kumar, Dr. Inder Singh